Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Monday, May 11, 2009

AN "AHA" EXPERIENCE ... What IS it???

In spiritual study circles, we have often referred to "becoming aware of the Presence of God." The eminent psychologist, Carl Jung, has carved over the front door of his house in Zurich, and these words are also found on his tombstone:

"VOCATUS atque non VOCATUS Deus aderit"

"Bidden or not bidden, God is present"

Believer, or non believer, God is still Present, is closer than the very breath we breathe, and, in fact, actually breathes us. I personally believe every longing we have is a longing for our Oneness with God. We are constantly "Looking for God in all the wrong places." I believe that true joy comes to us when we discover that it is our task to become aware of this Presence and what It is for each of us.

I have often asked myself what does it mean to be aware of the "Presence of God?" One morning I went into meditation asking for clarity of what exactly IS this "Presence of God." I came out of meditation and suddenly had an AHA experience, that is, A Holy Awareness! Of course, the "Presence of God" was EVERYWHERE! EVERYTHING I saw was created by the mind, heart, and hands of God expressing through SOMEONE. The carpet, the very threads, the colors, the delivery, sales, purchase, ... ALL was the PRESENCE OF GOD expressing through one of God’s “choosing” people.

Have YOU had "AHA" experiences??? ... How about sharing them with us?

In Love, Rev. Sandra

Sandra Rae Hymel

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