"Likewise the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. The spirit alone lives. The body but manifests the spirit." ["The Secret of Light" by Walter Russell]
[ Dear Reader, if you have not yet met the genius of Walter Russell begin by reading: "The Man Who Tapped the Secrets of the Universe" by Glenn Clark. His story and messages can be an inspiration to everyone.]
First of all, I personally believe that there is NO DEATH! The essence of who/what we are, created in the image and likeness of God, is pure Spirit, the Spirit of Love and I had a true AHA = A Holy Awareness on reading the above quote. The aramaic word "meta" translated as "dead" actually means "not present here, but elsewhere."
The piece of Walter's quote that struck me most is "the body of man does not live, and having never lived it cannot die. The spirit alone lives. The body but manifests the spirit."
Our present existence began with the "breath of God/Spirit" and continues to "live" through us until our "last breath" returns to our original Source. What do YOU think?
(Rev.) Sandra
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