Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Divine Discontent IS Divine Direction

In my text: "God is NOT in the Bible! A Practical Guide for God's 'Choosing' People," on page 14 I pose the question " What is so DIVINE about DISCONTENT?"

First of all, when I speak of Divine, I am referring to all that is of God/Spirit. That which is the All-knowing, All-loving, Mind of God, the Holy Spirit, that is, the Whole Spirit of God through which we live and move and have our being.
When I speak of “Discontent,” I think of it manifesting as discomfort in many varied ways: you may be experiencing dissatisfaction, restlessness, unhappiness, displeasure or be plain old disgruntled. Or, you may be bored, fed up, uninterested, apathetic or complacent. Usually when ordinary Discontent manifests briefly, it has just come to pass. I believe Discontent is Divine, or of God, when you experience a CONSTANCY of any of the above.
What I have discovered is that should I ignore the CONSTANCY of Discontent and fail to take action, this soon results in a dramatic event moving me forward, that which I call a "Cosmic 2 by 4," a dramatic evidence of "Divine" Discontent.
I have discovered in my own life that If I fail to pay attention to the negative pattern, or, becoming aware of the 'grit,' ignore it, instead of reflectively taking new action toward change, this is when I get hit upside the head with a 'Cosmic 2 by 4' that results in a dramatic and instant unplanned, life shattering, change. This definitely demands my attention!"

I have been experiencing this "Divine Discontent" for several months. This does NOT mean my work is uninteresting, or that I think the work is less than meaningful to many, only that I know I have other gifts to be utilized elsewhere.

It's a "spooky" business, this letting go of the familiar and risking into the unknown. There are feelings that surface much like the trapeze artist when they have to "let go" the bar that is security in order to grab hold of the new one, yet it MUST be done or the spirit is stifled in one's soul. Butterflies in the belly abound!

Of one thing I AM CERTAIN: ... "NEW DOORS OF GOOD ARE OPENING TO ME!" and I am excited and enthusiastic about the new possibilities coming my way.

Have YOU experienced "DIVINE DISCONTENT?" How about sharing your experience with us?

In Love,

Rev. Sandra

(Rev. Sandra Rae Hymel)

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Monday, May 11, 2009

AN "AHA" EXPERIENCE ... What IS it???

In spiritual study circles, we have often referred to "becoming aware of the Presence of God." The eminent psychologist, Carl Jung, has carved over the front door of his house in Zurich, and these words are also found on his tombstone:

"VOCATUS atque non VOCATUS Deus aderit"

"Bidden or not bidden, God is present"

Believer, or non believer, God is still Present, is closer than the very breath we breathe, and, in fact, actually breathes us. I personally believe every longing we have is a longing for our Oneness with God. We are constantly "Looking for God in all the wrong places." I believe that true joy comes to us when we discover that it is our task to become aware of this Presence and what It is for each of us.

I have often asked myself what does it mean to be aware of the "Presence of God?" One morning I went into meditation asking for clarity of what exactly IS this "Presence of God." I came out of meditation and suddenly had an AHA experience, that is, A Holy Awareness! Of course, the "Presence of God" was EVERYWHERE! EVERYTHING I saw was created by the mind, heart, and hands of God expressing through SOMEONE. The carpet, the very threads, the colors, the delivery, sales, purchase, ... ALL was the PRESENCE OF GOD expressing through one of God’s “choosing” people.

Have YOU had "AHA" experiences??? ... How about sharing them with us?

In Love, Rev. Sandra

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, April 15, 2009


"Hope springs eternal to the human breast. Man seldom feels, but always WILL BE, BLEST." [Alexander Pope] In these days of our being badgered with news of seeming chaos everywhere, it behooves us to remember there is always HOPE. There are many in our New Thought movement who fail to acknowledge HOPE as a gift, they fail to acknowledge HOPE as a choice for an affirmative attitude amidst seeming disaster. They instead leap to FAITH, without acknowledging the necessary beginning of HOPE as that which must lead into faith.

Webster tells us that HOPE is=to cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment = to long for with expectation of attainment and is=also, trust or reliance. I say HOPE is our final opportunity for the last flicker of the Christ Light to push through our consciousness before we slam the door of hope and instead choose to allow toxic thought to bring us to a final point of despair. All it takes is one instant of HOPE-less-ness to push someone over into the edge of darkness.

"Christ in you, your HOPE of glory!" is forever true, no matter how dark life may seem to be. This is well expressed in the words of a song entitled THE FUTURE by Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, ... there is a crack in everything, ... that's how the Light gets in."

Dr. C. Rick Snyder, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas did a study of HOPE in relation to life and he has this to say about HOPE: "HOPE has proved to be a powerful predictor of outcome in every area of life we've looked at. HIGH HOPE people are much more likely to reach their goals. Abilities are important, but oftentimes HOPE is the factor that energized you so that, in fact, you do get where you want to go." [KIWANIS article p 40, February, 1994]

In extend an open invitation to you to join the HIGH HOPE CLUB: a club that is composed of folks filled with OPTOMISM in the face of any challenge; folks who remember to give themselves an "ESTEEM" bath daily; and folks who look for the opportunity for new beginnings in seeming chaos.

Indeed, "HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL" as we move forward into each new day expressing the attributes of the CHRIST. That in you that is "YOUR HOPE OF GLORY!"
What saith YOU???
In Love,
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Monday, March 16, 2009

DARK STUFF IN SPACE ... from Hubble 3/12/09


"When it comes to finding dark matter in space, astronomers need to go on sort of a ghost hunt. Dark matter can't be directly seen or isolated in a laboratory. Yet it makes up the bulk of the matter in the universe. It (DARK MATTER) is the invisible scaffolding for the formation of stars and galaxies. Dark matter is not made of the same stuff that stars, planets, and people are made of. That stuff is normal 'baryonic' matter, consisting of electrons, protons, and neutrons. For 80 years astronomers have known about dark matter's 'ghostly' pull on normal matter. They've known that without the gravitational 'glue' of dark matter galaxy clusters would fly apart, and even galaxies would have a hard time holding together."

"Let us fix our eyes NOT on what is SEEN, but on what is UNSEEN. For what is seen is temporary, but what is UNSEEN is ETERNAL." [2 Cornthians 4:18]

WOW! ... In Truth it is that which appears empty that holds together all that is. This is the "stuff" of Spirit. Even contemorary physicists, such as David Bohm, protege of Einstein, tells us: "When physicists calculate the minimum amount of energy a wave can possess, they find that every cubic centimeter of empty space contains more energy than the total energy of all the matter in the known universe!" In fact, Bohm tells us that "space is NOT empty, it is FULL, a plenum as opposed to a vacuum, and is the ground for the existence of everything, including ourselves."

Let us sit with these thoughts and recognize that there IS a Divine Creator that holds ALL that is in PERFECT ORDER! ... the UNSEEN ENERGY that IN LOVE glues us all together as ONE. ALL is of God ... the LIGHT would not be seen if it were not for the DARKNESS. (Go to "Penned Poetry" here on my site and read about the dark room.)
How about YOU? How do YOU respond to such a report from Hubble? How do you FEEL about knowing these ideas? Does it make a difference in your quality of life?

I feel awe struck ... I think it is an AWESOME thought! How about YOU???

In Love,

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Tuesday, March 3, 2009


"Do not conform any longer to the pattern of this world, but be you transformed ... by the renewing of your mind." Most often the quote stops here, however, I believe it important to ponder the entire quote, which goes on to say: "Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is -- God's good, pleasing, and perfect will." [ROMANS 12:2]

To "conform" is to "agree with" ... and "the pattern of this world" is largely cut from the cloth of greed and narcissism. To "transform" the mind is to mold our thought to that of the Divine, that of gratitude, generosity, and love for self, one another, and ultimately God.

As I sit at my computer on a wintry day, I glance out at a forest of trees that are barren in appearance. I say barren "in appearance" as we know the sap of life is stored in every cell of every branch, waiting to burst forth at the first sign of Spring, waiting to TRANSFORM this appearance of bleakness and reveal the true beauty hidden within.

It occurs to me that more often than not we too appear as bleak and barren unless we activate our own transformative energy and become the transformer we are created to be. TRANSFORMER = that which changes form, nature, character, or disposition of; an electrical device for changing voltage up or down.

I look to Jesus the Christ, our Way-Shower, who left us with several of his own transformatory experiences, the TRANSFIGURATION, RESURRECTION, and ASCENSION, and in doing so, has given us insight as to our own inner power to transform our world. "The works I do shall you do also; and GREATER than these shall you do." [JOHN 14:12]

As in the TRANSFIGURATION of Jesus, we enter this process of transformation by turning within for a "mountain top" experience of communing with our Creator; thereafter we experience a RESURRECTION in consciousness, removing the stones of fear, of lack, of disharmony, releasing these "dead" thoughts and replacing them with the Living expression of the Christ Light - thus we RESURRECT the "imprisoned splendor" from within; we then lift up our consciousness and ASCEND to oneness with our Creator.

It is also my belief that we are independent electrical fields of spiritual love energy and are therefore responsible for the transformation of our OWN energyfield. I believe Jesus, the Christ, set into motion an electrical emission, an energy force, that shall NOT be stopped! I believe that each of our electrical fields interconnects with the other and that as we lift up our own consciousness, ALL are transfomed, as Jesus said: "If I be lifted up, all will be drawn to me." [JOHN 12:32]

Does all this sound "FAR OUT?" You betcha! It IS "far out" of the norm of today's thought, "far out" of the realm most experience as the human condition, and "far out" of THIS world. Yet WE have been called to transform and WE have said "YES" and we DO believe that YOU (I AM) are the Resurrection, the Christ of YOU IS the Resurrection ... and let us rejoice together in this knowing!


In Love, Sandra Rae Hymel

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Sunday, February 8, 2009


Ideally one will do "random acts of kindness" in any given moment on any given day. I have been purvue to such in my own experience recently. When living in New Orleans, I always purchased "Trappey's" products for black eyed peas each New Year. Why should I change produce since I'm now living in Kansas City, Missouri? I found good ole Trappey's and proceeded to open three cans to serve along with cabbage, to be sure I had LOTS of wealth, health, and good fortune in my New Year. Well ... the three cans contained few peas and LOTS of water. I took the numbers off the top of the lids, got onto the WEB (Wonderfully Enlightened Being, that it is) and found Allens, who also produce the Trappey brand. NOW ... listen to this ... I immediately received an e-mail thanking me PROFUSLY for letting them know and apologizing for the lack of usual quality, AND, ... they were sending me some sample products to help make amends. Less than a week later I received a large box containing 2 each of 6 products of varied kinds. WOW! ... wait, keep reading! ... THEN, I received an envelope with a "family recipe" book AND a $5 bill with a quality, glossy, card that reads: ALLENS Quality Vegetables "Serving up memories since 1926" "Thank you for taking the time to contact us concerning one of our products. As a valued customer, we sincerely appreciate your comments and concerns. Please use our enclosure as a goodwill gesture toward your next purchase of Allen products."

http://www.allens.com/ phone: (800)234-2553. LOOK FOR ALLENS PRODUCTS in your canned veggie department!

Another "random act of kindness" was shared by my dear friend, Helen Marie Grimes. It isn't enough that Helen Marie has been by her husband, Bob's, bedside DAILY for the past four years, from 9am - 4:30 pm, but she goes the "extra mile" caring for other patients needs in the nursing home. THEN this occurred: She walks in her neighborhood in the quiet hours of early morning and began putting neghbor's newspapers, found near the curb, at their front door. Recently, as she placed a newspaper inside the screen door, she found an envelope addressed to her with a $20 bill and thank you note in it. Another neighbor waited at his door one morning to "catch her" and insisted she take $5 as he told her how thoughtful she was.

Let us ALL get into living our lives focused on how we can sprinkle "random acts of kindness" wherever we go! Do YOU have stories to share??? Let's hear them.
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Friday, January 16, 2009


"America is many things but it is not a nation with a wisdom tradition - but it needs to become one and soon. It needs to become a wiser nation that is capable of introspective politics with a deep regard for its philosophical and spiritual roots. It needs to return to a respect for high principles and considerations of the generations to follow and not just on behalf of who is going to shoulder the enormous debt created by the carelessness of the Congress and Senate under the Bush administration." (from Caroline Myss)
(BOLD is my own commentary)


Caroline goes on to scan our history with a critical eye and suggests that many will think her message a "negative" one. She believes it to be a "positive" one, in that on looking at the past honestly, we can then take positive steps toward change.

I agree with her, what do YOU think???

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Friday, January 2, 2009


New Year's Eve night, on my return from work at about 11:45 pm Central Time, as I scurried through TV looking for the best spot for welcoming in 2009, each show host asked the question: "What do you think of 2008?" I suddenly became aware that, for me, 2008 has given evidence of a real awakening of our planet in many ways. Jesus has said: "There will be wars and rumours of wars, and earthquakes, ... but do not be afraid, ... for these are but BIRTH PAINS!"

Ever since 9-1-1, yes, 9/11, that which I refer to as our "emergency wake up call", our world has drawn closer and we are all more aware of our dependency on one another and our oneness in our joys and in our struggles.

There has been greater evidence of our world awakening to a NEW BIRTHING in this consciousness of oneness in 2008 as we watched a woman and a black American, both highly qualified, run for President of our country. This was followed by an overwhelming vote for NEW IDEAS and POSITIVE CHANGE. Our country spoke out, choosing to vote for "a persons character, rather than the color of his skin." (to paraphrase the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Then the tower of the greedy came tumbling down as we experienced, and still do experience, an economic breakdown. Again, evidence to our oneness, for this not only affects those with a lot of money, but also trickles down, rather tumbles down, to those in great need of financial support as it shakes up businesses, goods provided, and employment.

I have observed through these years, since 2001, our experiencing BIRTH PAINS
on every level, we are ALMOST there, as we reflect on what we TRULY VALUE and come to appreciate, people, jobs and every day services that we had previously taken for granted.

Jesus also said: "The Truth will be shouted from the rooftops." And so, through our electronic media, NOTHING can be hidden in the darkness anymore. The Light shines into every nook and cranny, resulting in an internal cleansing of human consciousness.

As we welcome a New Year, let each of us take a moment to point to the tip of our own nose, and remember THIS is who I am responsible for, and step forward, heart in hand, and do what is set before us THIS day, with love, and, in doing so, advance the welcoming of the dawning of a NEW DAY!



in Love, Sandra Rae Hymel

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