Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Divine Discontent IS Divine Direction

In my text: "God is NOT in the Bible! A Practical Guide for God's 'Choosing' People," on page 14 I pose the question " What is so DIVINE about DISCONTENT?"

First of all, when I speak of Divine, I am referring to all that is of God/Spirit. That which is the All-knowing, All-loving, Mind of God, the Holy Spirit, that is, the Whole Spirit of God through which we live and move and have our being.
When I speak of “Discontent,” I think of it manifesting as discomfort in many varied ways: you may be experiencing dissatisfaction, restlessness, unhappiness, displeasure or be plain old disgruntled. Or, you may be bored, fed up, uninterested, apathetic or complacent. Usually when ordinary Discontent manifests briefly, it has just come to pass. I believe Discontent is Divine, or of God, when you experience a CONSTANCY of any of the above.
What I have discovered is that should I ignore the CONSTANCY of Discontent and fail to take action, this soon results in a dramatic event moving me forward, that which I call a "Cosmic 2 by 4," a dramatic evidence of "Divine" Discontent.
I have discovered in my own life that If I fail to pay attention to the negative pattern, or, becoming aware of the 'grit,' ignore it, instead of reflectively taking new action toward change, this is when I get hit upside the head with a 'Cosmic 2 by 4' that results in a dramatic and instant unplanned, life shattering, change. This definitely demands my attention!"

I have been experiencing this "Divine Discontent" for several months. This does NOT mean my work is uninteresting, or that I think the work is less than meaningful to many, only that I know I have other gifts to be utilized elsewhere.

It's a "spooky" business, this letting go of the familiar and risking into the unknown. There are feelings that surface much like the trapeze artist when they have to "let go" the bar that is security in order to grab hold of the new one, yet it MUST be done or the spirit is stifled in one's soul. Butterflies in the belly abound!

Of one thing I AM CERTAIN: ... "NEW DOORS OF GOOD ARE OPENING TO ME!" and I am excited and enthusiastic about the new possibilities coming my way.

Have YOU experienced "DIVINE DISCONTENT?" How about sharing your experience with us?

In Love,

Rev. Sandra

(Rev. Sandra Rae Hymel)

What next?

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1 comment:

  1. Listen, I'm not trying to be contrary, but I need some help. I have been SEVERELY divinely discontent for a long time. I suffer from a cyclical depression that cannot be effectively treated, and while I have made great progress in other areas using Unity principles, I am stuck. I have been stuck for the last 10 years. I can't pay my bills, my marriage fell apart, and I can barely function. How can I get unstuck?
