Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Aurora From A Dark Site
by Bob at Blackholes and Astrostuff

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Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Awesome Nature Photos!

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Tuesday, September 16, 2008


Scientists today tell us that we are now in the "time cycle of 5,125 years," at which time there has been major changes on this planet. They also point to the "fact" that we are experiencing multiple challenges in all areas of life, at an accelerated rate, which many find overwhelming. They also say that we are now in the "bottleneck" of that time period, which will terminate in the year 2012.
In reflection on these "facts," I turn to the message given us by Jesus, our Way-Shower, who is quoted as having said: "You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. Nation will rise up against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are the beginning of birth pains."
My personal commentary on the above is the following: First of all, we all know that "time" as we now know it was not recorded in the same way in years past, ... so ... when IS the 5,125th year??? ... WHO truly knows the answer???
Secondly, the question I raise is are we really having more challenges than ever found in recorded history? Or, could it feel this way due to the result of our connection with other parts of our world through what has been called our "Planetary nervous system," that is our connection through the electronic mediae, radio, TV, internet,etc? And let us remember the focus on the news we get is NEGATIVITY ... if there is not local newsworthy tragedy to be found in our towns, states, country, the media finds it out there, somewhere in the world to call to our attention. There is a FEAR BASED CONSCIOUSNESS that we can either buy into or not. The choice is ours, moment by moment, FEAR or FAITH!
There is certainly comfort is recognizing that we are definitely in what we might call an experience of "second force," or a birthing process. Somehow a "birth canal" offers a more gentle process than a "bottle neck." It also is a more hopeful process as we are ready to welcome in the NEW ERA of Truth. We know that now NOTHING can be hidden in darkness as the LIGHT OF TRUTH shines into all corners of life. In point of fact, the Truth IS being, literally, SHOUTED FROM THE ROOFTOPS!!!
What think YOU???
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

White Sands

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Sunday, September 7, 2008


The following thoughts are those of Reverend Jim Rosemergy: "Sidney Greenberg wrote in Treasury of Comfort, 'Where sorrow is concerned, not repression, but expression is the wholesome discipline.' This is a powerful idea, for as Longfellow said we all have our secret sorrows. The secret sorrows are not the difficulty, for they are common to us all. The difficulty is that we repress our sorrows and the repression robs us of life. You see, when we hold back a portion of our feeling nature that we find troublesome, we unknowingly hold back a portion of our true selves. Expression is a better way. The sorrow may hurt when it is expressed but shortly after its expression will come the emergence of our true selves, and this is joy."
This repression of sorrow or pain or anger is sometimes the result of what I call "New Age Sin."
When our Unity Founder, Myrtle Fillmore, went into deep meditation asking Spirit the question of why she had not yet healed her body of an intestinal disorder, Spirit answered: "You have looked among your faults, now look among your virtues." It was then she realized that she was so busy using positive affirmations that she failed to explore the truth of the repressed pains. She then committed herself to examining daily what may have upset her and going to the person, when possible, and releasing it before it became part of her cellular system.
Jesus, the Christ, said: "Do not let the sun go down on your anger." ... "Make friends with your enemies quickly." and ... there is an old Irish saying: "When you see a ghost and face it, it will disappear before your very eyes. If you run from it, it will chase you the rest of your life."
I have found it best to take a close look at "what is." ... and ... I discovered that's it ... "What IS just IS!" ... and that's ALL it is. ... then ... I am able to LET GO and LET GOD! take care of it.
What do YOU think???
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Saturday, September 6, 2008


I realize the request to use paper sparingly in order to “Save our Forests” is well intentioned, yet it seems to me to speak to a consciousness of lack. It is my observation that our world has “gazillion” trees, with “a million gazillion” seeds that continue to produce no matter what we try to do them. As the saying goes: “You can count the seeds in an apple, but you can’t count the apples in a seed!”
There is the true story of a western part of Texas known for the beauty of fields of blue bonnets. They had a prolonged drought and everyone was mourning the loss of the blue bonnets. Then suddenly there came a season of heavy rain, and … yep, guess what, … there returned the blue bonnets, the potential beauty was still there hidden under the dry dirt, and would not be suppressed! So is God’s continued blessing of abundant good for all of us!!! There is NO LACK in the Universe, only "thinking make it so."
That having been said, I also believe in practicing “good stewardship” by using our paper products responsibly. What do YOU think ... ???

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Beautiful Mountain Vistas

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