Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Monday, December 15, 2008


Co-Founders of Unity: Myrtle and Charles Fillmore shared
these thoughts in response to the Great Depression-October, 1929

"The conditions in our world today, " asserted Myrtle Fillmore, "are what
man in his greed, selfishness, ignorance, has made. ... The thing to do in times like
we have been having, is to remain positive, and not let any negative, outer thought
sink in, but let it slide off like water on a duck's back. It is not time to fall into the current
of race thought, but to hold fast to the principles of Truth that are bound to demonstrate abundance of good. ...
The question is, what are your true values? ... Begin to consider what you can do
to inspire and help others, rather than on money-making."
[Torch Bearer To Light The Way by Neal Vahle p77-78]

"Money is to be used, not abused." said Charles Fillmore, ... Money accumulated
for a definitely constructive purpose is quite different thing from money hoarded
with the fearful thought of a 'rainy day' or a prolonged season of lack and suffering,
Money saved for a 'rainy day' is always used for just that, for fear attracts that
which is feared unfailingly. "The thing which I feared comes upon me." [JOB 3:25]
[PROSPERITY by Charles Fillmore P 165]

"We have nothing to fear, but fear itself." [Franklin D. Roosevelt, U.S.A. President]

And, finally, from the great Swami Beyondananda, (Steve Bhaerman):
Fortunately, money isn't wealth. In and of itself, it is worthless. If you doubt that, try this simple experiment. Eat your money. While high in fiber, paper money has little nutritional value. And here is something even more amazing. A hundred dollar bill has no more nutritional content than a dollar bill.
So here's the real good news. As surely as the sun comes up every morning, we have more abundant wealth than we know what to do with. Wealth is energy, and how that energy is used. Not only have we been given solar energy to grow our food and power our lives, we've been given soul energy as well - to use and magnify our resources wisely. With the collapse of the house of credit cards economy, we can finally get real. We can use the two most underdeveloped resources on the planet, love and imagination, to re-grow our Garden and have a heaven of a time doing it.

What next?

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