Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Friday, January 16, 2009


"America is many things but it is not a nation with a wisdom tradition - but it needs to become one and soon. It needs to become a wiser nation that is capable of introspective politics with a deep regard for its philosophical and spiritual roots. It needs to return to a respect for high principles and considerations of the generations to follow and not just on behalf of who is going to shoulder the enormous debt created by the carelessness of the Congress and Senate under the Bush administration." (from Caroline Myss)
(BOLD is my own commentary)


Caroline goes on to scan our history with a critical eye and suggests that many will think her message a "negative" one. She believes it to be a "positive" one, in that on looking at the past honestly, we can then take positive steps toward change.

I agree with her, what do YOU think???

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Friday, January 2, 2009


New Year's Eve night, on my return from work at about 11:45 pm Central Time, as I scurried through TV looking for the best spot for welcoming in 2009, each show host asked the question: "What do you think of 2008?" I suddenly became aware that, for me, 2008 has given evidence of a real awakening of our planet in many ways. Jesus has said: "There will be wars and rumours of wars, and earthquakes, ... but do not be afraid, ... for these are but BIRTH PAINS!"

Ever since 9-1-1, yes, 9/11, that which I refer to as our "emergency wake up call", our world has drawn closer and we are all more aware of our dependency on one another and our oneness in our joys and in our struggles.

There has been greater evidence of our world awakening to a NEW BIRTHING in this consciousness of oneness in 2008 as we watched a woman and a black American, both highly qualified, run for President of our country. This was followed by an overwhelming vote for NEW IDEAS and POSITIVE CHANGE. Our country spoke out, choosing to vote for "a persons character, rather than the color of his skin." (to paraphrase the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.)

Then the tower of the greedy came tumbling down as we experienced, and still do experience, an economic breakdown. Again, evidence to our oneness, for this not only affects those with a lot of money, but also trickles down, rather tumbles down, to those in great need of financial support as it shakes up businesses, goods provided, and employment.

I have observed through these years, since 2001, our experiencing BIRTH PAINS
on every level, we are ALMOST there, as we reflect on what we TRULY VALUE and come to appreciate, people, jobs and every day services that we had previously taken for granted.

Jesus also said: "The Truth will be shouted from the rooftops." And so, through our electronic media, NOTHING can be hidden in the darkness anymore. The Light shines into every nook and cranny, resulting in an internal cleansing of human consciousness.

As we welcome a New Year, let each of us take a moment to point to the tip of our own nose, and remember THIS is who I am responsible for, and step forward, heart in hand, and do what is set before us THIS day, with love, and, in doing so, advance the welcoming of the dawning of a NEW DAY!



in Love, Sandra Rae Hymel

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