"Hope springs eternal to the human breast. Man seldom feels, but always WILL BE, BLEST." [Alexander Pope] In these days of our being badgered with news of seeming chaos everywhere, it behooves us to remember there is always HOPE. There are many in our New Thought movement who fail to acknowledge HOPE as a gift, they fail to acknowledge HOPE as a choice for an affirmative attitude amidst seeming disaster. They instead leap to FAITH, without acknowledging the necessary beginning of HOPE as that which must lead into faith.
Webster tells us that HOPE is=to cherish a desire with expectation of fulfillment = to long for with expectation of attainment and is=also, trust or reliance. I say HOPE is our final opportunity for the last flicker of the Christ Light to push through our consciousness before we slam the door of hope and instead choose to allow toxic thought to bring us to a final point of despair. All it takes is one instant of HOPE-less-ness to push someone over into the edge of darkness.
"Christ in you, your HOPE of glory!" is forever true, no matter how dark life may seem to be. This is well expressed in the words of a song entitled THE FUTURE by Leonard Cohen: "Ring the bells that still can ring, forget your perfect offering, ... there is a crack in everything, ... that's how the Light gets in."
Dr. C. Rick Snyder, a psychology professor at the University of Kansas in Lawrence, Kansas did a study of HOPE in relation to life and he has this to say about HOPE: "HOPE has proved to be a powerful predictor of outcome in every area of life we've looked at. HIGH HOPE people are much more likely to reach their goals. Abilities are important, but oftentimes HOPE is the factor that energized you so that, in fact, you do get where you want to go." [KIWANIS article p 40, February, 1994]
In extend an open invitation to you to join the HIGH HOPE CLUB: a club that is composed of folks filled with OPTOMISM in the face of any challenge; folks who remember to give themselves an "ESTEEM" bath daily; and folks who look for the opportunity for new beginnings in seeming chaos.
Indeed, "HOPE SPRINGS ETERNAL" as we move forward into each new day expressing the attributes of the CHRIST. That in you that is "YOUR HOPE OF GLORY!"
What saith YOU???
In Love,
Sandra Rae Hymel
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