Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Monday, June 30, 2008

After Prayer, ... What???

Unity minister, the Reverend Eric Butterworth poses this question in his book entitled: "The Universe is Calling: Opening to the Divine Through Prayer." "Let's suppose you have prayed about some need using the science of prayer. You have let go the problem in a time of relaxation of mind and body. You have turned within in an experience of wordless silence, feeling your oneness at the center. And then you have spoken the word of truth, affirming the reality in back of the negative appearance and you have ended with a consciousness of 'Amen! -- So be it!'

"Now what do you do? ... You may be thinking, 'Well, I have prayed, so now the rest is up to God.' But as they say in tennis, 'the ball is in your court.' Your prayer is not for God. He needs neither your prayers nor your praise. He doesn't need your supplication to understand your need. 'The Father knows what things you have need of, even before you ask Him.' And it is always 'the Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.' In God there is an eternal yes, but your part is to get into a YES consciousness, and stay there. 'Change your mind and keep it changed.'" ...

"Jesus said, ' If you know these things, blessed are you if you do them." [JOHN 13:17 KJV] Beyond the Amen of prayer, the next step is to act as if you believe that what you have affirmed is really true. ... "

YOU, dear reader, what do YOU think? What is prayer to YOU? Does it WORK for you? HOW has it worked? I personally believe that the only TRUE prayer there is is my awareness of the PRESENCE OF GOD in my life experience, because God already knows my DEEPEST DESIRE ... now it's time for me to become RECEPTIVE to OPEN-ENDED POSSIBILITIES as I get on with getting on and move toward the FULFILLMENT of that desire. As Reverend Eric has said: "God can only do for me, what God can do through me." What do YOU think??? Sandra Rae Hymel

What next?

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1 comment:

  1. I think that visioning and affirming and praying are all well and good... but if you don't take action, if you don't step out and start doing... well... you're just playing around..
