Exploring Unanswered Questions ... and ... Unquestioned Answers

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

The Milky Way
by Bob at Blackholes and Astrostuff

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008


The Reverend Phillip Pierson, Unity Minister, offers this suggestion: "Financial security is obtained by one easy decision of mind and heart -- it is simply to give ourselves away! ... Perhaps there is no better example of this amongst people we know of than that of Buckminster Fuller. ... Bucky, as he liked to be called, was one of the most influential people of the last century. He was referred to often as the Leonardo Da Vinci of the 20th Century. His climb to international fame began with the simple, but totally sincere act of giving himself away.
"In his thirties he considered himself a failure as a business man, a husband and father. He felt all concerned would be better off without him. On a cold winter night he went to Lake Michigan to commit suicide by throwing himself into the icy waters of the Lake. But, at the last moment he found himself possessed with the thought of giving himself away to God and to the service of humankind, as an equivalent to suicide. He would no longer live to get, but only to give of whatever talents he had with no thought of reward. He affirmed that if his action was valid he would never have to seek compensation, as the Universe he served would prosper him without any thought on his part. He would become a partner with the Universe.
"He was a man of incredible will and clarilty and he lived that commitment. He offered his inventive genius to seeking ways to better our world, and he was immensely prospered without ever seeking it. He proved that while it is great to give of our possessions, the greatest gift of all is to give ourselves to the betterment of others.
"As we move through this present time of (international suggests Rev. Sandra) national recession, let us know that the Universe is eager to prosper us as we consciously seek to give ourselves to It's service."
To give of one's self with NO STRINGS ATTACHED is the greatest gift of all ... to the GIVER as well as the RECEIVER! What do YOU think???
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, October 22, 2008


What I have observed is that when I find myself caught up in the “drama” of life it is the result of my looking to the outer for the answers. I have forgotten to “keep the eye/I single,” forgotten to turn within introspectively and therefore miss out on the inspiration, and instead jump to conclusions based only on the goal I want to attain and so I end up doing what the world tells me to do, I “rational-ize,” which only results in my receiving "rational-lies" that result in temporary blindness to wise choices.
It is through your practice of choosing reflectively, choosing with integrity, that you participate in Cosmic thinking and are awakened then to what Rudolf Steiner calls seeing with Spiritual Vision: “which grasps the nature of the world and the spirit of the whole beyond the forms of appearance. Through Spiritual vision, through inspiration, we become aware that the heart of the Universe is throbbing within each of us.” [The Cosmic Way of Mankind p 81 by K.O. Schmidt]
My Friend, YOU are a Child of the Universe, made of Star Stuff! Every single choice you make opens you to releasing the “Imprisoned Splendour,” the essence of who you are, or results in a stifling of this Christ Light.
Let us both affirm with Carol Lynn Pearson:
I will continue
To create the universe today
Right where God left off.

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Wordless Wednesday

solar halos

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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Spiral Staircases

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Tuesday, October 14, 2008

THE "I"S HAVE IT! #3+#4+#5

I have found that it is during the time of INTROSPECTION that I receive INSPIRATION as I am INSPIRED with Spirit and motivated by God to listen with my Third Ear as I become aware of the whisperings of God.

As I become INSPIRED I am then ILLUMINATED within to receive direct Divine Guidance as to how to follow through with the setting of goals and developing a plan of action. This is a time for gathering knowledge already available and knowing how to put it to use. You will even find the right and perfect people to come to assist you, and the right and perfect circumstances begin to unfold.
Then enters in the Power of Imagination, the practice of Creative Visualization, as I use the creative power of mind to vision the outcome. Yet ALWAYS remembering to “Let go and Let God” have the final say of the outcome. After doing everything I can do, I then let go the outcome and let God have way, and then I am sure there is even greater good waiting for me than I could ever begin to imagine.
How do I know this is a Creative Process? How do I know it DOES work? I know in retrospect that this HAS worked in my own life, even before I found Unity and it’s spiritual principles. There are also countless examples from the lives of others I have read about and I will bet YOU can reflect on some of your own.
The difference for me now is that I have, through practice, seen to it that my INNER NET remains PRAYER CONDITIONED. And as I continue putting God first through daily practice of entering The Silence, I have also developed a sense of practicing Sacred Sagacity that then enables me to stay in alignment with the vibrations of Spirit. As a result I have become more sensitive to Sacred Serendipities/Synchronicities and God Nudges.
I would sincerely prefer to avoid experiences of being hit upside the head with a "Cosmic 2 by 4" and so focus on practicing INTROSPECTION more readily, which then results more instantaneously in my making REFLECTIVE, rather than REACTIVE choices.
Dear Friend, do you realize that from the moment you open your eyes in the morning, and throughout your day, you are choosing and manifesting, choosing and manifesting, moment by moment and choice by choice. Yes, Indeed, you ARE one of God’s “choosing” people!
Maybe you "CHOOSE" to share your thoughts???
Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Milk Drops Into Coffee

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Monday, October 6, 2008


Having paid attention to the FIRST "I," that of INTUITION, I then become INTROSPECTIVE, that is "keeping the EYE/I" singly focused on God first, I enter into the Silence, and try my best to let go of any preconceived ideas, or plans and just be there, following the directive to: "Be still and know ...". Before my learning the importance of "keeping the eye/I single," turning to God first, I used to quickly jump into the midst of the idea and gather outer information. This usually resulted in my wasting time in gathering facts I did not need, or facts that could have been found elsewhere so that I had to re-do the messes I created unnecessarily.

Now I also know the importance of letting go all expectation and yet expecting clear direction to show up in unexpected places as I observe sagasciously, resulting in "TADAH!," the entering in of Sacred Serendipities/Synchronicities.

[excerpted from "God is NOT in the Bible! A Practical Guide for God's 'Choosing' People" by Sandra Rae Hymel]

Come on now ... What do YOU think???

Sandra Rae Hymel

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Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Wordless Wednesday

Best of WikiMedia

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